
Sherrie's Always Write

A Mind Less Traveled



The midnight drum solo filled my head with visions of homicide. Do you have a neighbor that is less than neighborly? Or, perish the thought, are you that neighbor? While sturdy fences … and all that jazz, a modicum of consideration may gain you a friend for life.  Check to see if you appear on our list of offenses Continue reading “UN-NEIGHBORLY NEIGHBORS”

Shade’s Shadow



This is a special story. It’s the darkest story I’ve written to date. I’ve been struggling to complete it for a while. Then Nikki, the organiser of UnDead Prom, contacted me about sponsoring the event, and I knew that this would be just perfect.

So here you have it. Felix’s darkest and most bizarre case, published – very appropriately – on Halloween.

And, since the it was commissioned by the UnDead Prom, I include here also the opening words of the faculty’s History professor (me again) to the students…

Guests of the UnDead Prom share that quintessential human interest with what lies behind the veil of life. It might not surprise them that humans throughout the ages have come up with a myriad of descriptions, explanations, and stories about what happens to those who cross the threshold — and those who might cross back.

For tonight’s lesson, we will study…

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WINNER!! Kindle HD8 goes to Christina Gonzalez of San Antonio, TX

WINNER!! Congratulations to Christina Gonzalez of San Antonio, TX. You won a Kindle Fire HD8 with 5 Romance Novels from 2nd Chance Romance! #2CR #RT #Award

Interview With Sojourner McConnell

Leigh Holland Writes!

KentuckyAuthors!BannerLeigh Holland’s Interview with Sojourner McConnell

Today I’m delighted to host the author of “Who’s That in The Cat Pajamas?”, Sojourner McConnell, at my author spotlight. Thanks for being here!

Leigh: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am delighted to talk to you and share about myself and my work. I am a writer, and I am also a mother of 3 grown children and grandmother of 13 ranging in age from 16 to one year.  I am also the dog mom to Beau. He is my Australian Shepherd and my little time keeper. He keeps me on schedule.  When I am not writing, I am enjoying a good book, writing reviews on them, or blogging.  It is a favorite pastime to find fun things to blog about, funny moments, exciting events, favorite memories, and cute dog and kid pictures.

Leigh: Why did you decide to write children’s…

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Grisham Goes Indie? And has a Podcast!

Hello Book Lovers,

I’m thrilled to share the launch of my podcast, Book Tour with John Grisham, available right now exclusively on-demand wherever you listen to podcasts.

Join me on my first book tour in twenty-five years as I chat with and take questions from book lovers in thirteen bookstores up and down the East Coast. Along the way, I’m joined by some of the nation’s most notable authors, including Continue reading “Grisham Goes Indie? And has a Podcast!”

9 Ways To Avoid A Humiliating Public Failure At Your Book Signing Event

Tips for an outstanding book signing!


Your humble host. your humble host

You finally worked up the nerve to ask a real, live bookstore to have you sign books at an event!

Okay, you emailed them.

But they replied and now you have a signing event! Woo hoo!

Uh oh…

A real live event.With people.

Or worse, maybe with NO people.

I can hear your heart pounding from here. You’ve heard horror stories about signings. Nobody came. Nobody bought a book…


It can happen even if you DO plan. So what do you do? After all, for the most part you tend to be humiliation-averse.

Good thing I was here!

I have 9 tips for what you need to make your signing a hit, plus some bonus tips for before and after the event, and a few planning/social media suggestions.

The biggest thing to…

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Who’s that Combo?

Can you identify these combined couple names? List the ones you know in the comments below.
1. Brangelina

2. Bennifer

3. Kimye 

4. Tomkat 

5. Billary 

6. Shefani 

7. Desilu 

8. Vaughniston

9. Ashmi 

10. Spederline

Tell me in the comments if you know any of these famous couplings.


Sherrie’s Always Write

Who’s That in the Cat Pajamas? (The Dolcey Series Book 1) by Soujourner McConnell – Book Review

The recent book release of Who’s That in the Cat Pajamas (The Dolcey Series Book 1) by Soujourner McConnell is the delightful story of a young girl’s struggle with the real world problem of leaving everything behind. She must move to a new town with her parents, and she is none too happy about it. A pajama-clad kitty with a secret surprise helps pave the way for our young heroine. Together, they explore what life might be like in new surroundings.

Children of all ages will be immersed into thought-provoking prose that carries the imagination to soaring, new heights. The love with which Soujourner McConnell wrote this book is evident from page one. Dolcey is magical and possesses special senses deftly tuned toward children in need of a little extra guidance. She finds such a child when she seeks out Emily. Dolcey’s tender caring leads Emily in a direction she is unsure she wants to see. But what awaits them is both revealing and tender and will leave you wanting more adventures from Dolcey.

Who’s That in the Cat Pajamas is a 5-star read and should reside among other classics on your children’s bookshelf. To get your copy today,  visit Amazon for a free Kindle Unlimited version or just $1.99 for your very own e-copy.

To learn more about the author, visit Soujourner McConnell’s Amazon biography HERE, or at Who’s that Indie Author on Sherrie’s Always Write.  Be sure to check out other books by Sojourner McConnell. Stop by to like her Facebook page or follow Dolcey on Goodreads.


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Writing Lesson Section 3 Part 1 by David Kummer

Writing Lessons by teenage phenom, David Kummer!

Source: Writing Lesson Section 3 Part 1 by David Kummer


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